Events 01 November 2023
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Promote Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) Development in Indonesia through EU-Funded S4I – Programme

PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero), in fulfilling its mandate of Indonesia’s agent of sustainable development, has announced an initiative in solid waste management to champion the growth and use of Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) in Indonesia together with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF). Under the co-leadership of the MoEF and in cooperation with industrial associations, PT SMI is setting the benchmark for sustainable infrastructure progression in the nation. In a significant development, PT SMI receives grant funding from the European Union (EU) through the “Support for Infrastructure Investments in Indonesia” (S4I) program, implemented by KfW Development Bank.

The S4I program, funded by the EU, with its mandate to spread the development of renew- able energy, and green urban infrastructure, it also supports the RDF development initiative, by providing expert analysis and facilitating stake- holder dialogues aimed at assessing the market viability and socio-economic impact of RDF adoption being not just an environmental and social obligation; it’s a commitment to establish a circle economy, develop new avenues in waste management and ultimately contribute to the prosperity of Indonesian nation.

Recent focused group discussion sessions in May 2023 and in-depth stakeholder interactions in mid-October 2023 have unveiled a resonating enthusiasm for RDF as an alternative fuel across various industrial sectors. Stakeholders from cement, fertilizer, metal foundry and smelter industries have expressed interest to integrate RDF into their operations, signaling their intent to reduce emissions, emphasise sustainability measures, and champion the circular economy model. Other industrial stakeholders such as paper and pulp industries have expressed interest to be considered as potential suppliers to RDF facilities.

This combined effort signifies a significant leap toward a more ecologically conscious and efficient Indonesian infrastructure framework, empowered by the unwavering dedication of PT SMI. Regular updates can be anticipated as PT SMI continues its mission, in tandem with key government stakeholders and industry players, to introduce RDF development across Indonesia, amplified by the continuous support from the European Union.


The EU is not responsible for the contents of communication materials related to EU-funded or co-funded actions prepared by implementing partners. Its contents are the sole responsibility of PT SMI and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.



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