Workshop on `PPP Project Preparation on Railway Sector`
PT SMI held a Forum Group Discussion (FGD) for Regional Governments in South Kalimantan (Kalsel) in collaboration with the Directorate General of Treasury of the South Kalimantan Region - Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Home Affairs, and Bappenas on (27/8) in Banjarmasin.
The activity, which was attended by 84 people from 14 Regional Governments in the South Kalimantan region, was opened with remarks from the Director of Public Financing & Project Development of PT SMI - Faaris Pranawa and the Head of the South Kalimantan DJPB Regional Office - Syafriadi, as well as a Keynote Speech from Assistant I of the South Kalimantan Provincial Government - Nurul Fajar.
This activity consisted of 2 panel discussions held with the aim of:
Panel Discussion Session 1 with the theme "Acceleration of Infrastructure Development in South Kalimantan Province", focused on strategies for accelerating infrastructure development and ensuring the sustainability and efficiency of ongoing and future projects in South Kalimantan. This panel discussion was moderated by the Head of PAPK Division, DJPb, South Kalimantan Regional Office - Faradilla Darmadi and presented speakers, namely:
Panel Discussion Session 2 with the theme "Acceleration of Infrastructure Development in South Kalimantan Province", thoroughly discussed strategic projects in South Kalimantan, and introduced various financing alternatives that can be used by the Regional Government in realizing these projects. This panel discussion was moderated by the Head of Public Financing Division 1 of PT SMI - Erdian Dharmaputra and presented speakers, namely:
Hopefully through this activity, PT SMI together with stakeholders can provide assistance to the Regional Government in the preparation of the RPJMD by referring to the RPJMN and strategic projects, especially in South Kalimantan Province, as well as introducing alternative financing for regional infrastructure development through financing facilities from PT SMI.