Press Releases 10 April 2023
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PT SMI Issuing Bonds Again

Sustainable Public Offering
Obligasi Berkelanjutan III Sarana Multi Infrastruktur Stage III Year 2023

Jakarta, April 10, 2023 - PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) ("PT SMI" or the "company") is holding an Investor Gathering forum in the framework of the Sustainable Public Offering ("PUB") of Obligasi Berkelanjutan III Sarana Multi Infrastruktur Stage III Year 2023. In his remarks In the opening remarks delivered by Edwin Syahruzad, President Director of PT SMI, the company's performance which is always well maintained provides an opportunity for investors to participate in accelerating national development. Based on outstanding bonds to date, PT SMI is included in the top 5 corporate bonds issuers in Indonesia. "We convey our highest appreciation to investors for PT SMI's performance achievements so far and in the future PT SMI's performance will continue to be maintained," said Edwin. Attended by all PT SMI's Directors, various investors and Bond Underwriters consisting of BCA Sekuritas, BNI Sekuritas, CIMB Niaga Sekuritas, Indo Premier Sekuritas, and Mandiri Sekuritas, this event was held virtually on Monday (10/4).

Darwin Trisna Djajawinata, Director of Operations and Finance gave a highlight on PT SMI's performance based on the financial statements as of 31 December 2022. In his presentation, it was stated that PT SMI's assets had grown to IDR 117.1 trillion, an increase from 2021. The total value of commitments and outstanding financing reached IDR 145.1 trillion and IDR 93.9 trillion respectively, or grew 16% and 17% from the previous year. The low non-performing loan of 0.34% (net) indicates the implementation of comprehensive risk management principles by PT SMI, thereby demonstrating the company's ability to produce good quality assets. Various strategic initiatives such as climate change financing, development equity financing and support for relocating the National Capital City were also presented by PT SMI as PT SMI's future agenda, with support from the Government.

PT SMI as the Ministry of Finance's Special Mission Vehicle (SMV) which has a mandate to accelerate national infrastructure development has a unique market position. Darwin said, with innovative, unique and flexible financing products, PT SMI would fill the infrastructure financing gap and act as a complement to banking products. In line with the diversification of funding sources that have been carried out by PT SMI so as to minimize dependence on the State Budget, PT SMI has also optimized partnerships with bilateral and multilateral financial institutions, one of which is carried out through the integrated blended financing platform, namely SDG Indonesia One ("SIO") and the role company as the Energy Transition Mechanism Country Platform Manager so that PT SMI has so far collaborated with more than 50 bilateral and multilateral funding partners from national and international scopes. The various partnerships and mandates given to PT SMI show very high trust from both the Government and private institutions in the Company. "This is the result of the Company's performance which is supported by an experienced management team supported by good corporate governance and financial and environmental risk management, so that despite the challenges experienced by almost all economic activities due to the Covid-19 pandemic and unstable geopolitical conditions can be handled properly and the Company's financial performance remains stable and even tends to increase,” said Darwin.

In the PUB of Obligasi Berkelanjutan III Sarana Multi Infrastruktur Stage III Year 2023 which is an integral part of the PUB of Obligasi Berkelanjutan III that was previously formed with a total facility of IDR 20 trillion, PT SMI opens the greatest possible opportunity for potential investors to participate in the issuance of bonds with ratings idAAA (Triple A) issued by Pefindo with a total issuance target of IDR 2 trillion in phase III. The tenor and timeline are as follows:

Coupon tenor & range:

  • 1 Year: 5.70% - 6.30%;
  • 3 Years: 6.50% - 7.25%;
  • 4 Years: 6.50% - 7.35%.

Schedule (indicative):

  • Offer : 4-14 April 2023;
  • Payment : 16 May 2023;
  • Distribution : 17 May 2023.

Going forward, PT SMI will carry out various strategic initiatives in order to answer the challenges of the national economy, namely climate change and equitable development. Through financing for climate change adaptation and mitigation projects which will also collaborate with various national and international institutions both in thematic financing frameworks and mixed financing, PT SMI will continue to innovate products, so that existing funding sources can be utilized properly and productively. The Ministry of Finance will also continue to support PT SMI's footprints, one of which is strengthening PT SMI to become a national development bank by implementing an appropriate business model and supporting products issued. The government is also preparing PT SMI to provide financial support for the relocation of the State Capital (IKN) so that later the financing of the IKN project can also involve banks.

In carrying out its activities, PT SMI always prioritizes the precautionary principle which is also supported by the Government through the Ministry of Finance. As stated by Darwin, the composition of PT SMI's financing until 2022 to the public sector is 37% and the remaining 63% is dominated by financing to corporations. "Of the total composition of the financing, 44.6% is guaranteed by the Government of Indonesia," said Darwin. The support from the Government of Indonesia, good corporate governance and risk management which is always maintained by PT SMI has directly increased public trust, which is shown through the company's rating which continues to be maintained at AAA based on the domestic rating by Pefindo and BBB based on the international rating by Fitch Ratings since in 2017. "We thank all stakeholders, both shareholders, investors and debtors for the trust given to us so that we can continue to contribute in accelerating national development financing, in accordance with our mandate and vision," said Darwin.



About PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)

PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) was established on February 26th, 2009 as a State-Owned Enterprise under the coordination of the Ministry of Finance in the form of a Non-Bank Financial Institution (LKBB), with a role and mandate as a catalyst for the acceleration of national development.

PT SMI has various functions and unique products/features to support the acceleration of infrastructure development which not only functions as an infrastructure financing but also as an enabler through the implementation of a Public Private Partnership (PPP) scheme which includes various financial institutions, both private and multilateral. PT SMI actively supports the PPP implementation and encourages the acceleration of infrastructure development in the regions through regional loan products.

PT SMI has three business pillars, namely (1) Funding and Investment, financing for infrastructure projects, (2) Consultancy Services, solutions to the needs of professionals and experts in the infrastructure sector, and (3) Project Development, assistance for the Person in Charge of Cooperation Projects (PJPK) in preparing infrastructure projects.


For further information please contact:

Ramona Harimurti
Head of Corporate Secretary

Dian Rufal
Head of Communications Unit

PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero)
Tel: +6221 8082 5288
Fax.: +6221 8082 5258
Email: corporatesecretary@ptsmi.co.id

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