PT SMI & Stakeholders Always Accelerate Regional Infrastructure Development
Government support through PT SMI which is one of the Ministry of Finance's Special Mission Vehicles (Ministry of Finance's SMV) to accelerate regional infrastructure development continues to be improved. For a decade, PT SMI through the Regional Financing facility has realized the expectations of 41 Regional Governments (Pemda) in developing their regions through Regional Financing facilities with a value of Rp4.4 trillion.
PT SMI together with the Ministry of Finance, the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, and the Ministry of Home Affairs held an event on Alternative Infrastructure Financing for Regional Infrastructure Financing to provide information related to options that could be an alternative source of financing outside of Regional Original Revenues (PAD), namely the scheme of Government and Business Entity Cooperation (PPP) and Regional Financing facilities.
Through the socialization program that invited 56 of these Regional Governments, PT SMI seeks to introduce models & mechanisms of regional financing facilities owned and map priority objects of regional infrastructure such as the Regional General Hospital (RSUD), Roads, Public Road Lighting, River Restoration, and others.