ESS Cultures 22 October 2021
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PT SMI's Commitment in the Implementation of K3L in Corporations

Implementation of Occupational Safety, Health and Environment has become an important part of business sustainability that can affect the reputation of a company.

PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) ("PT SMI") always strives to meet good standards in managing its business and continues to improve its Occupational Safety, Health and Environment management system so that operational processes run safely, comfortably and ensure environmental sustainability within the scope of the Corporation.

To strengthen the management of Occupational Safety, Health and Environment, PT SMI is developing a Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental Management System (SMK3L) based on Government Regulation no. 50 of 2012 concerning Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems that are integrated with the international standard ISO 45001:2018.

The implementation of the Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Management System includes the establishment of OHS Policy, OHS Planning, Implementation of OHS Plans, Monitoring and Evaluation of OHS Implementation as well as OHS Performance Review and Improvement. The application will continue to be developed and sustainable.

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