ESS Cultures 06 July 2023
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Technical Assistance for the fulfillment of ESS 10 aspects - Consultation and Grievance Handling Mechanisms

PT SMI has implemented ten Environmental and Social Safeguard (ESS) principles in the company's financing and investment activities. This is done through the assessment of financing plans through Environmental and Social Due Diligence (ESDD) studies and recommendations for Corrective Action Plans (CAP) to improve the implementation of environmental and social management by each debtor.

As an effort to assist debtors in fulfilling the CAP, PT SMI provides Technical Assistance for the fulfillment of ESS 10 aspects - Consultation and Grievance Handling Mechanisms.

Consultation and Grievance Handling Mechanisms are important to have and carry out because they can support efforts to mitigate and/or manage the impacts that occur in projects.

The Technical Assistance provided consists of:

  1. Coaching/capacity building for the implementation of ESS 10.
    The activity was conducted in a  fullday workshop through offline and online platforms on July 4, 2023. The event was opened by Mr. Pradana Murti, the Director of Risk Management, and attended by representatives from 32 debtors of PT SMI.
  2. Support in the development of guidelines/procedures/working instructions related to consultation and grievance handling aspects, including the preparation of grievance log book.

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