Events 02 June 2021
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PT SMI's Gotong Royong Vaccination

PT SMI and PT IIF (a subsidiary of PT SMI) have carried out the first Covid-19 vaccination for all employees and families, in the "PT SMI's Gotong Royong Vaccination" program on (28/05). The activity, which was held for 3 days, was a form of PT SMI management's concern for the health of employees and their families. In addition, vaccination activities are also a strategic step for PT SMI to support the acceleration of the government's vaccination program in order to make Indonesia healthy and free from Covid-19. Cooperate with @kimiafarmaku.id in the implementation of this mutual cooperation vaccination program, the President Director of PT SMI – Edwin Syahruzad, expressed hope that the vaccinations given can trigger the immune system and provide additional health protection for SMIers (PT SMI employees) in fighting the Covid-19 virus, so as to encourage productivity and performance improvement in carrying out every activity of the company.
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