SMI Day 2019: Support from the Family to Grow Semangat Membangun Indonesia
The role of PT SMI for 1 decade as a catalyst for infrastructure development is inseparable from family support. This allows the SMIers (PT SMI employees) to implement iSprint values into their daily work activities.
As one of the series of commemoration of Dasabakti PT SMI 2019 and a form of appreciation for family support, PT SMI held SMI Day 2019 at Ancol Art Market. This annual event was characterized by laughter, fun, and inter-family relations, including the appearance of Gigi band that entertained SMIers and their families.
PT SMI yang merupakan salah satu Special Mission Vehicles Kementerian Keuangan (SMV Kemenkeu) meyakini bahwa dukungan para keluarga SMIers adalah kunci utama untuk senantiasa menumbuhkan Semangat Membangun Indonesia.
PT SMI, which is one of the Ministry of Finance's Special Mission Vehicles (SMV Kemenkeu), believes that the support of the SMIers' families is the key to always fostering Semangat Membangun Indonesia.