Press Releases 18 July 2024
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The Dismissal and Appointment of the Member of the Board of Commissioners of PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) on July 17th, 2024

Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia (“Minister”), as the Shareholder of PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) (“PT SMI”), through a Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia Decree No. 296 Year 2024 dated July 17th, 2024 on the Dismissal and Appointment of the member of the Board of Commissioners of the Company (Persero) PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (“Minister Decree”) stipulates as follows:


  1. To dismiss with respect the member of the Board of Commissioners PT SMI as follows:
    • Mr. Hadiyanto as President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner;
    • Mr. Kunta Wibawa Dasa Nugraha as Commissioner;
    • Mr. Suryo Utomo as Independent Commissioner;
    • Mr. Sukatmo Padmosukarso as Independent Commissioner; and
    • Mr. Iskandar Saleh as Independent Commissioner
    with gratitude for all of his contributions and thoughts during his tenure.


  1. To appoint the member of the Board of Commissioners PT SMI as follows:
    • Mr. Suminto as President Commissioner;
    • Mr. Suryo Utomo as Commissioner;
    • Mrs. Ancella Anitawati Hermawan as Independent Commissioner;
    • Mr. Dikdik Yustandi as Independent Commissioner; and
    • Mr. Arief Wibisono Lubis as Independent Commissioner
    with term of office for 5 (five) years period starting from July 5th, 2024.


As for the execution of actions, duties, and functions as the member of the Board of Commissioners PT SMI will be effective referring to the approval of fit and proper test issued by the Financial Services Authority of the Republic of Indonesia (“OJK”).


Therefore, the composition of the member of the Board of Commissioners* of PT SMI shall be as follows:

President Commissioner

Suryo Utomo

Ancella Anitawati Hermawan
Independent Commissioner

Dikdik Yustandi
Independent Commissioner

Arief Wibisono Lubis
Independent Commissioner


*effective after obtaining the approval of fit and proper test from OJK.



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