Events 24 April 2019
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PT SMI Supports Financing of Regency Road Infrastructure in Sumatra Again

Savings in vehicle operating costs, short travel times, increased mobility and accessibility that have triggered regional economic growth and other socio-economic benefits will soon be felt by residents of East Ogan Komering Ulu Regency (East OKU). On April 23, 2019, the signing of Regional Financing Agreement between PT SMI and the East OKU Regency Government was held. The Regional Financing Facility of Rp100 billion will later be used to increase 8 Regency road sections with a total length of 62 km. East OKU is known as one of the foremost and foremost regions in the province of South Sumatra which continues to improve, including in equitable development of road infrastructure which ultimately can contribute to Regional Original Income (PAD). All business processes carried out by PT SMI, including the regional infrastructure development projects, always strive to achieve the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Indonesia.
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