PT Waskita Toll Road (PT WTR) Benchmarking Visit on the Implementation of Environmental Social Safeguard (ESS) with PT SMI
Thursday, 20 June 2024. 09.00-17.00 at R Hotel Rancamaya Bogor
As a form of PT SMI's efforts to continue to improve the implementation of environmental and social safeguard in financed projects, including for in the toll road sector, PT SMI carries out sharing sessions which are a form of mainstreaming the implementation of Environmental Social and Governance (ESG). on toll road projects. This sharing session is a means to share experiences with borrowers as well as a method to help borrowers fulfill their Corrective Action Plan (CAP).
The objectives of this sharing session are:
This activity is divided into several sessions which are:
Session 1: Panel Discussion "Joint Learning in Implementing ESG Aspects in Toll Road Projects"
In session 1, the head of the Environmental Social and Technical Evaluation Division (DELST) PT SMI provided an introduction regarding the implementation of ESS standards at PT SMI and the implementation of ESG in PT SMI's business. Following this, representatives from two PT SMI borrowers, namely PT Jasa Marga Manado Bitung (PT JMB) and PT Hutama Karya (PT HK) shared experiences related to implementing ESG aspects in toll road projects both during construction and operation. This session is an opportunity to share experiences with other participants by providing examples of best practices that have been implemented in toll road projects.
Session 2: Implementation of ESG within the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing
In this session, representatives from the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) described the implementation of ESG in toll road projects, including an explanation of the opportunities and challenges of the implementation .
Session 3: Panel Discussion "Road Safety in Toll Road Projects"
In this session, internal PT SMI expert provides brief and general explanations on ESS 4 principles as well as regulations and legislation related to OHS aspects of toll road Projects. This was followed by a presentation from an external expert which described the implementation of OHS on toll road projects at the construction and operation stages, as well as the management system that can be developed to support road safety.
Session 4: Panel Discussion "Lesson learned on implementing road safety on the Project"
In this session, representatives from two BUJT which are PT Trans Jabar Tol (PT TJT) dan PT Citra Karya Jabar Tol (PT CKJT), described the efforts to implement road safety in each Project, including lessons learned from accidents and/or disasters that resulted in losses.
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
PT Waskita Toll Road (PT WTR) Benchmarking Visit on the Implementation of Environmental Social Safeguard (ESS) with PT SMI
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