Press Releases 10 July 2019
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The New Board of Commissioners of PT SMI as of July, 5th 2019

In connection with the expiration of tenure of the Board of Commissioners of PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) (“PT SMI”), Minister of Finance (“Minister”) as the Shareholder of PT SMI through a Minister Decree No. 550/KMK.06/2019 dated July 5th 2019 on Dismissal and Appointment of the Board of Commissioners of PT SMI stipulates as follows:
  1. To dismiss with respect the members of the Board of Commissioners of PT SMI as follows:

a. Wahyu Utomo as President Commissioner; b. A. Kunta Wibawa Dasa Nugraha as Commissioner; c. Sukatmo Padmosukarso as Independent Commissioner; d. Dini Kusumawati as Commissioner; e. Agus D.W. Martowardojo as Independent Commissioner;

with gratitude for their contributions and thoughts during the tenure.

  1. To appoint the new members of the Board of Commissioners of PT SMI as follows:

a. Agus D.W. Martowardojo as President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner; b. Andin Hadiyanto as Commissioner; c. Sukatmo Padmosukarso as Independent Commissioner; d. A. Kunta Wibawa Dasa Nugraha as Commissioner.

  1. The tenure of the new members of Board of Commissioners is for 5 (five) years period started from the issuance of the respective Minister Decree.
Therefore, the following is the current composition of the Board of Commissioners of PT SMI:
Name Position
Mr. Agus D.W. Martowardojo President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner
Mr. Andin Hadiyanto Commissioner
Mr. Sukatmo Padmosukarso Independent Commissioner
Mr. A. Kunta Wibawa Dasa Nugraha Commissioner
  For further information, please contact: Ramona Harimurti Corporate Secretary PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) Tel: +6221 8082 5288 Fax: +6221 8082 5258 Email: corporatesecretary@ptsmi.co.id www.ptsmi.co.id
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