RIDF Projects 02 April 2019
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Construction of Class B Regional Public Hospital North Sulawesi Province

Regional Government
North Sulawesi Province
North Sulawesi
Construction of Class B Regional Public Hospital North Sulawesi Province
Estimated Total Project Cost
Rp300 billion
Loan Ceiling Value
Rp300 billion
5 Years

Regional governments including the North Sulawesi Provincial Government have the responsibility to provide health services, one of which is through hospital facilities as stipulated in Law Number 44 of 2009 concerning Hospitals. The development of the population and the need for quality health services and the implementation of the National Health Insurance (JKN) encourage North Sulawesi Provincial Government to improve the health facilities owned through the construction of North Sulawesi Provincial Regional Public Hospital. The construction of this RSUD is very important considering that North Sulawesi Province does not yet have a provincial referral hospital so that the referral of health services from district/city hospitals or 4 (four) regional referral hospitals will be directly referred to RSUP Prof. Dr. RD Kandou which is a national referral hospital.

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